Loose Id sale

A quick note to say that Loose Id have temporarily dropped the prices on many “first of series” books, including mine. This is currently guaranteed to apply only to books purchased directly through Loose Id, although they were working on getting the reductions onto the big third party sites like Amazon. You can also get two of my short stories for free from the Loose Id site. My catalogue page is here: http://www.loose-id.com/authors/erotic-romance-authors-g-k.html?cat=76

ebooks piled high and cheap

Right, have some suggestions from Amazon UK’s latest ebook deal newsletter. These are all under £2 at Amazon; most are also on offer at Kobo. Penguin Modern Classics seem to be having a sales binge so it’s worth trawling through the rest of the deals list if you like their catalogue. As always, check the price before clicking the buy button.

I know some of you do find these posts useful for flagging up stuff to have a closer look at. I put in the covers this time because there were a couple I specifically wanted to show. Is it useful to see the covers, or does this make the post too unwieldy on people’s flist?

John Wyndham – The Day of the Triffids – in a Penguin Modern Classics edition, with the newest cover art by Brian Cronin. The art’s a good match in tone/period feel for the book, but I still think of Harry Willock’s reverse colour line drawing cover art of the 1970s as the ur-cover art for Wyndham, just as Tom Baker is My Doctor.


Master and Commander (Aubrey/Maturin Series, Book 1) (Aubrey & Maturin series) by Patrick O’Brian
I have provided the title exactly as given on the Amazon and Kobo pages. Yes, I am easily amused.


Val McDermid – Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime
Non-fiction from one of the greatest crime writers of today. One for the writers, but also of general geeky interest.


CS Lewis – Mere Christianity
Lewis’s collection of radio broadcasts setting out the case for Christianity.


Tony Robinson – No Cunning Plan
Another acting memoir. Haven’t looked at the sample yet, but if Robinson’s any good at writing prose, this is probably going to be interesting.


George Orwell – The Road to Wigan Pier
Orwell’s non-fiction is as important, and as topical, as his fiction.


Anthony Burgess – A Clockwork Orange
Haven’t read this in at least thirty years, but I suspect I would still find it equal parts horrifying, terrifying and laugh-out-loud funny. It’s only just occurred to me that this book pressed some of the same buttons for me that Iain (M) Banks would some years later.


And while I was looking for Amazon US links for these books, I stumbled across this:

There. Are. No. Words.