Loose Id has closed

My primary publisher, Loose Id, has alas closed as of 7 May. My books published through them are now out of print, although you may see them on third party distributors for a short period while the out of print notices work through the system.

I do intend to make the books available again, but that takes a lot of time, which is a resource I’m rather short of at the moment. I’m also waiting on Loose Id to finish working on the rights releases for the cover art I’d like to re-use. I’m focusing on writing new material for now.

If you’re still looking for something of mine to read, I do have books at NineStar Press under the name Storm Duffy, which are still available and will be for the foreseeable future.

Loose Id sale

A quick note to say that Loose Id have temporarily dropped the prices on many “first of series” books, including mine. This is currently guaranteed to apply only to books purchased directly through Loose Id, although they were working on getting the reductions onto the big third party sites like Amazon. You can also get two of my short stories for free from the Loose Id site. My catalogue page is here: http://www.loose-id.com/authors/erotic-romance-authors-g-k.html?cat=76

Loose Id Boxing Day sale

Why yes, I *am* going through my email backlog… Here is a message from our sponsors about a one day sale. It covers Loose Id’s entire catalogue, and you may find a selection of my delightful romances at my Loose Id author page.

Are you exhausted from Christmas? Sick to death of carols? Wishing people had shopped off your wishlists instead of QVC and SkyMall?

Loose Id has exactly what you’re looking for: a no-crowds, no-hassle, shop in your pajamas 25% off sale.

We know there are lots of choices for where to buy your e-books. Lots of them have great discounts. You can shop for all your favorite authors in one place. Even so, we think you’ll want to shop Loose Id this Boxing Day, and here’s why:

  • Customer service that’s intimately familiar with the books you’re purchasing.
  • Customer service that’s intimately familiar with the devices you’re reading on.
  • Customer service that’s friendly and knowledgeable and able to provide recommendations.
  • 25% off every book, every purchase, including previously discounted titles.
  • A great customer rewards program: earn Idcents with each purchase, when you leave reviews, or share books using the ‘share this’ feature on the product pages, and use them to buy more great books. No separate sign-up required.
  • Our VIP Club: get 15% off every book you purchase from us in 2015, for $29.99, and if you become a member before January 1, get $10.00 worth of Idcents free!
  • Shopping Loose Id puts more money in authors’ pockets, and less in Big Business’s. That means they can afford to stay home and write more books!

Give yourself the gift of pleasure. Shop Loose Id’s annual

What I Really Wanted for Christmas Sale

December 26, from midnight PST to midnight PST.

(At least) 25% off all currently available books. No coupons, no exceptions.

Coming soon: Nice Tie

Nice Tie is currently scheduled for release in next week’s batch of new books from Loose Id. This is subject to the usual caveats about problems in getting the formatted ebook files onto a working server, but you should be able to get your hands on the book on Tuesday. Herewith the blurb and buy link — excerpt to follow as soon as the approved excerpt is available.

Nice Tie

Nice Tie cover art -- gay romance novel Alex Hall likes watching good-looking men doing up good-looking ties, a kink he can safely indulge on his morning commute as long as he’s discreet. At least until the day he meets new client Robin Wood, whose face seems oddly familiar. Embarrassingly familiar, when Robin recognizes him as “that guy on the bus.”

Lusting after the client and his tie is a really bad idea. Acting on it would be even worse. Which doesn’t stop Alex’s impulsive suggestion when he realizes that Robin’s as intrigued as he is awkward. They’re both grown-ups, they can handle the conflict of interest, and if nothing else it will get the awkwardness out of the way. And there’s a cheap hotel at the end of their bus route.

Just one date. One night for Alex to enjoy watching beautiful hands managing a tie with style. One night for Robin with a man who can understand his own grooming kink, even if it’s not quite the same as Alex’s. One night, and then just good friends, while they’re working together. Nobody else’s business.

But Robin has entirely too much experience with romance at work, and the past isn’t staying past.

ISBN: 978-1-62300-771-3
Publisher: Loose Id
Author: Jules Jones
Cover Artist: Valerie Tibbs
Length: 42,000 words
Price: $5.99

Loose Id calls for submissions

A couple of new calls for submissions from my main publisher. Note that they’re a general erotic romance publisher — all genres, all genders, all combinations, as long as there’s heat integral to the story, and at least a Happy For Now ending. Yes, I do mean “all genders”, not “both genders”.

Current Special Calls for Submission


Who doesn’t love a tough and tender reunion story? Homecomings is a themed, open-call collection centered around meaningful reunion/return events. Whether it’s the first female soldier in her family returning from Iraq to be reunited with the boy she married before she left, a comatose John Doe waking up, remembering his life and finding his way home, a wrongfully imprisoned man acquitted and finding love in his hometown or waiting for the love he left in prison, a college football homecoming game that’s especially meaningful for a player who is finally healthy enough to play…the details are yours to create, the characters from any walk of life, the genre any one you like — as long as there’s a sexy romance hook and the one coming home gets his/her/their sexy ever after. 

Specifics: stories should be at least 30K and preferably not longer than 80K; all genres will be considered. The collection will be published starting in October, so stories must be submitted no later than 5/31, and sooner is always better. Follow the guidelines below for submitting a proposal and including “Homecomings” in your email subject line.




Every year, millions of people make resolutions for the new year. Most of them fall by the wayside within a few weeks, but what about the ones that don’t? Resolutions is an open collection focusing on what happens in the wake of someone’s New Year’s resolution.

Did they resolve to be more adventurous and meet the hunk of their dreams finally going on that skydiving trip they promised themselves? Did they resolve to compliment at least one stranger a day, and pick the just right day to compliment a down-in-the-dumps billionaire? Did they resolve to buy at least one dress that isn’t black, or a pair of pants that isn’t leather? To try out for The Voice, or the local production of Grease? Did they take their artwork into a gallery? Put their profile on a dating site? 

Resolutions features the commitment and the sexily ever after that somehow grows out of it. Anywhere and any way that the tradition of making resolutions exists, even if it’s a place that only exists in your imagination, a Resolutions story could take place. A Resolutions protagonist can be anyone. The sky’s the limit.

Specifics: stories must be at least 30K and preferably not longer than 80K; all genres you can work a New Year’s resolution into will be considered. To be considered for publication as a Resolutions title by the end of 2014, we must have your submission by no later than August 15th, but they can be submitted at any time before that for earlier publication dates. Follow the guidelines below for submitting a proposal, and include “Resolutions” in your email’s subject line.


General submission guidelines

Loose Id’s having a very special sale today

An announcement from my publisher:

With True Love and Marriage for All

Isn’t that what erotic romance is about? Finding the one or two or five persons you want to spend the rest of your life with, having blistering hot sex with them, and being fulfilled in your wildest fantasies of a life? Not everyone wants to get married or needs to, but if they do, then let them!

Today, November 15th, there are protests around the country to support marriage equality and overturn initiatives preventing gay marriage. We know this is a divisive issue, and while we feel strongly about it, we’ve elected not to make a direct donation of sales proceeds to the cause. Instead, for today only, we’re offering you an 8% discount on all purchases totaling over $1.00 and encouraging those of you who support the freedom to marry to make your own donation to Marriage Equality USA, No on Prop 8 California or the local group of your choice.



I’m glad they’ve done this. I’m Kinsey 0, hardwired mono, and married to a man of the same race as myself. These things are not true of many of my friends, and I know people who have just had their marriage forcibly annulled. I don’t see any moral difference between Prop 8 and the Mixed Marriages Act. And the rhetoric I hear supporting Prop 8 sounds just like the rhetoric I heard two decades ago when the Mixed Marriages Act was about to be dismantled.