Available now: Nice Tie

Nice Tie is now available from Loose Id, and you can find the opening scenes on their website at http://www.loose-id.com/nice-tie.html#product_tabs_Excert

It’s not on the third party sites yet — it will show up on the Amazons etc eventually, but it’s been so long since I had a novel released that I don’t know what the timescale is these days.

More after I get home from the day job.

Coming soon: Nice Tie

Nice Tie is currently scheduled for release in next week’s batch of new books from Loose Id. This is subject to the usual caveats about problems in getting the formatted ebook files onto a working server, but you should be able to get your hands on the book on Tuesday. Herewith the blurb and buy link — excerpt to follow as soon as the approved excerpt is available.

Nice Tie

Nice Tie cover art -- gay romance novel Alex Hall likes watching good-looking men doing up good-looking ties, a kink he can safely indulge on his morning commute as long as he’s discreet. At least until the day he meets new client Robin Wood, whose face seems oddly familiar. Embarrassingly familiar, when Robin recognizes him as “that guy on the bus.”

Lusting after the client and his tie is a really bad idea. Acting on it would be even worse. Which doesn’t stop Alex’s impulsive suggestion when he realizes that Robin’s as intrigued as he is awkward. They’re both grown-ups, they can handle the conflict of interest, and if nothing else it will get the awkwardness out of the way. And there’s a cheap hotel at the end of their bus route.

Just one date. One night for Alex to enjoy watching beautiful hands managing a tie with style. One night for Robin with a man who can understand his own grooming kink, even if it’s not quite the same as Alex’s. One night, and then just good friends, while they’re working together. Nobody else’s business.

But Robin has entirely too much experience with romance at work, and the past isn’t staying past.

ISBN: 978-1-62300-771-3
Publisher: Loose Id
Author: Jules Jones
Cover Artist: Valerie Tibbs
Length: 42,000 words
Price: $5.99

Full Syndicate series now on the website

I’ve just uploaded the draft page of The Syndicate: Volume 2, which means the whole series is now available as free downloads on my site. I haven’t finished updating the rest of the site to match yet, so you may need to use the links below for the moment to find the pages:

Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Four Leaf Clover

Volumes 1 and 2 are actually parts 1 and 2 of a single novel constructed as a fix-up. Volume 3 is a sequel which follows on immediately from the end of Volume 2. Each volume is around 40,000 words. Four Leaf Clover is a novelette set some time after the end of Volume 3.

Here’s the blurb for the paperback edition of volumes 1&2:

When making life hell for the poor twitching users isn’t any fun for the sysadmin, what’s a geek to do? Run away to space, of course.

Allard’s current job is a nightmare. He’ll do anything to find another–including joining the slightly nutty crew of the Mary Sue, who have an even more malevolent attitude to traditional management structures than he does.

The crew and joint owners of the spaceship Mary Sue were looking for an IT expert who shared their political ideals. That’s not Allard, but that doesn’t bother him as long as he’s left out of it. He’s just looking for a working environment where he likes the people and the job. He’ll be pleased if they like him in return, although he’s not betting on it.

He gets all that and more. New friends, a non-organic quasi-son.

And then there’s Vaughan. Tall, gorgeous, inconveniently sexy, given to expansive gestures and talking far too much–which Allard plans to tell him as soon as he can get a word in edgeways.

Or at least as soon as he can get Vaughan’s tongue out of his mouth.

The Syndicate 3 and Four Leaf Clover now on the website

Apparently it’s “nag Jules about The Syndicate” week. Thus, I have dumped vol3 and Four Leaf Clover into HTML and uploaded them to the website for the benefit of those who bought the print edition of the first two volumes and didn’t get to the other two pieces until after they’d gone out of print. I will prettify it at some point, and tidy the links. And eventually do the first two volumes as well.

The Syndicate: Volume 3
The Syndicate: Four Leaf Clover

Out now: Lord and Master 2: Taking Work Home

Lord and Master 2 cover art
Lord and Master 2 cover art
It was just an office affair, with wonderful sex. Young scientist Mark Paulson liked older men, especially tall, dark, and very handsome men like his new boss. Self-made millionaire Steven Frost had no trouble finding sex, but what he needed was a friend who shared his interests; someone like the young assistant he’d just hired. What started as simply great sex between friends has become much, much more, and now they’re engaged.

Life’s never that simple, of course. Other people have an interest in Steven’s welfare and Steven’s money, and they’re not about to let the pretty little PA half his age take control of either. There’s a reason why Steven was still single at the age of forty-four, and some of his family are intent on ensuring that Mark finds out about it the hard way.

But Mark already knows — true love is about more than champagne and roses.

To read an excerpt, visit: http://www.loose-id.com/JJLoAMa2ex.aspx.

Genre: LGBT Erotic Contemporary
Length: Novel
Price: $5.99

More excerpts and a free prequel story at http://www.julesjones.com/fiction/details/takingworkhome.html

More Lord and Master bits on the site

[This went up on my LiveJournal on Sunday. Nobody has reported anything broken, so I’m spreading it further afield now.]

This weekend’s project was updating the website for the forthcoming release of the new Lord and Master novel. If you find any broken links or other glitches, please let me know. New material added:

free novelette Old Age Creeping Over Me

details page for the new novel, Taking Work Home:

three excerpts from the novel, linked from the details page

series information page, with a timeline, some background information, and links to the CafePress shops for the cover art:
(I’ll probably add more information to this over time.)

And I created a CafePress shop for the new book’s cover art, which is probably mostly of interest to me, but if anyone else fancies teeshirts or prints of that pretty cover art, that’s where you’ll find it. I’ve also created a cover art calendar that uses the three pieces of cover art [info]annecain has done for my books (L&M, L&M2 and Dolphin Dreams). It is very, very pretty and I am regretting that postage to the UK makes it impracticable to get myself one any time soon.

New Lord and Master short story now up

The new short story about the characters from Lord and Master is now available on my website. It’s set on Mark’s thirtieth birthday, about two years after their wedding, i.e. some time after both the original novel and the forthcoming sequel. This is a standalone and you don’t need to have read the novel first, though obviously you’ll get more out of it if you already know the characters. For those who wanted to see something from Steven’s POV, here’s your chance. Around 7100 words, contemporary m/m romance, one sex scene.

Flight of Dreams

Comments on the story are welcome. Comments are also welcome on any broken code on the page, as I’m still getting to grips with CSS. :-)